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Dr David Martin – The Illusion of Knowledge
Roots of current COVID Plandemic & its Connections to Story of Eugenics, DNA, Life Insurance Industry & the Quest to Control life
July 3, 2021
EXCERPT from an article on the vid w/quotes:
In our quest to figure out how this genocidal global CoronaHoax was pulled off, we’ve looked at the Globalists, the central bankers, the corporatists, the pedophiles, the Communists, the British Crown, the Tavistock Institute, the CCP, the Illuminati, the Jesuits, Bill Gates, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Sabbateans, the Bilderbergers, Klaus Schwab, the Satanists, the Freemasons – and even the Mantids from Hyperspace – but today, we can add another culprit, who the brilliant Dr Dave E Martin informs us, “For the last 145 years, they have done a wonderful job of making sure you never knew they’re behind it all. And by ‘all’, I mean ALL. And I don’t mean ‘some of all.’ I mean ‘All of All.'”
And who might that be?
The life insurance industry.
Yes. We haven’t heard a peep from anyone about the insurance companies throughout our dystopian COVID interlude – let alone, ever – but Dr Martin assures us that it was the insurance companies who actually set up the central bankers to be the “Fall Guy” (!) ......
someone who objects to this video:
this guy thinks Galton was just into animal husbandry...nah.
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Says CDC was originally set up in the late 40s to study and control MALARIA. [What about that Gates-funded MALARIA project in Florida?]
Discovery of DNA - we don't have DNA, we have CHROMOSOMES
Crick & Watson did not "discover" DNA. DNA is not a product of nature - it's a model of human manipulation.
1952: Raymond Gosling and Rosalind Franklin noticed there was an interesting orientation of the MOLECULE - they were the first.
W & C UNTIED THE TAPESTRY OF LIFE in the form of chromosomes.
Funded by life insurance companies. Why would they do that?
They would support a cover story - get science ONLY to look to the double helix. They are quite possibly ANTENNAS, not chemical bonds.
Say's he's proved this in the lab....
Beginning of work that would allow the manipulation of life - and also the manipulation of how long people live.
If people live too long, costs the life insurance companies. there is MOAR, but:
BOTTOM LINE - Why not have a pandemic that kills off those who have lived too long?