- We are literally injecting the DISEASE they claim the "vaxxes" will cure. "You've injected the disease." ~26
- Host's wife had covid pretty bad and the docs did nothing for her. (start PART 2) They got zinc, HCQ - even when she was 2 weeks into it, she turned around quick
- every year, the flu shots become more and more toxic ~3
- covid shots are worse - they are full of toxins ~7
- w/contagious ebola outbreak 2014: Judy says it came right out of Ft Detrick
- David Martin has the info, why isn't Fauci in jail? everyone has to get shots now for the coverup
- SARS doesn't cause COVID ~15
- discussion of deadliness of masks - they cause accidents when people drive in masks (3x more accidents) ~19
- (start Part 3) Children & Covid vax - FDA corrupt, took suramin off the mkt (with treats autism), along with HCQ ~6
- kids already so compromised by other (contaminated) vaxxes, forcing covid vax is like throwing gasoline on a fire
- (start Part 4) will murder millions of children, this is what they want - yes, it's population control, protein syncytin is important and the syncytin is in the vax - body will reject
- this effort to vax people spans 7 decades - foreign cell lines from other animals, insect material, AIDS, etc. [They] direct people away from healthy drugs and direct them towards toxic drugs
- She has to keep moving physically bc they are after her, this is ongoing
- why do they do it? Greed, money, power - but now it's liability, they are trying to hide what they've been doing for decades
- at the heart of all of that: it's the knowledge coming out now (motivation)
- they take away all the good therapies / antidotes too
- we have to wake up and trust only God