HARDCORE TYRANNY: Netherlands to Netherlands to forcibly seize 3,000 farms to comply with EU Climate diktats

The communist Dutch government plans to buy and close down up to 3,000 farms near environmentally sensitive areas to comply with EU "nature preservation" rules (UN Agenda 21).

The Netherlands is attempting to cut down its nitrogen "pollution" and will push ahead with land grabs if not enough farms take up the offer voluntarily.

“There is no better offer coming,” Christianne van der Wal, anti-nitrogen despot, told MPs on Friday.

The Dutch environment agency has warned that native species are disappearing faster in the Netherlands than in the rest of Europe and that biodiversity is under threat. 

But the new plan looks set to reignite tensions with farmers over nitrogen reduction. 

Dutch farmers have staged mass protests, burnt hay bales, dumped manure on highways and picketed ministers' houses over the last three years. 

In 2019 a ruling by the Dutch Council of State meant every new activity that emits nitrogen, including farming and building, needs a permit.

That has prevented the expansion of dairy, pig and poultry farms, which are major sources of nitrogen from ammonia in manure mixed with urine.

We all know this is about communist control over the food supply.
