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Emergency Broadcast - with guest Dr Ardis - on deadly effects of Remdesivir plus alt protocols for prevention & treatment
51 mins
Oct 12, 2021
Supposedly shown to be safe against ebola, so decided it would be the only drug recommended for Covid. Actually had a 53% MORTALITY RATE/
At the same time, Fauci said HCQ caused heart attack and deaths. More lies.
Another study cited by Fauci:
March 2020
Gilead (maker of remdesevir) treatment covid patient with Remdesivir - 3 mos after results from Ebola trial was published. '
23% has all kinds of kidney failure.
8% need transplants or were critically ill.
So REMDESIVIR POISONING is the real cause of many Covid deaths. Make sure the hospitals do a SPUTUM test to determine whether it's bacterial pneumonia. If they won't, you know they are lying.
FAUCI asked US govt to buy up all the supplies of Remdesivir til the end o f 2020. That' why the USA had so many deaths - far more than any other country.
550,000 dead.
The USA had 25% of all Covid deaths in the world, although we only have 4% of the world's population.
Now 725,000 USA citizens are dead.
NIH approved IVM.
It's in their documents.
Host: Got Covid and took Ivermectin within 2 days and felt much better.
Why are they lying to you?
Depopulation and sterilization.
If you catch Covid, what should they do?
- don't go to a hospital
- IVM, HCQ, Budesonide - get it from synergyhelpdpc.com (Brian Weinstein)
- myfreedoctor.com - will give prescriptions - find a pharmacist
- from Canada (alldaychemist.com)
[may not work - someone from Canada the govt is stopping this]
- if you can't get HCQ, get quercetin [or can make it from grapefruit rinds)
- if you can't get ivermetcin, get wormwood - IVM is derived from it
- they force ZINC into the cells (virus cannot reproduce when either is present)
- 100 mg ZINC daily
Prophalactic dose:
12mg once a week - IVM
300mg once a week - HCQ
Vit C - minimum 5000mg, 10000mg better (mt or iu's?)
magnesium - 500mg
selenium - 200mcg
Vit D - 5000iu - 10000iu minimum
B complex - can help w/heart damage most important: B9 & B12 most important
to draw the toxins out of your body every day for 6 mos
apple pectin powder 700 mg twice day
his website: thedrardisshow.com
Ashwagandha - lowers cortisol, improves sleep (take at night)
GABA good, too
2 documents that show IVM and HCQ work and are approved:
NIH website: listed as an approved treatment
nih.gov.table2e.characteristics of https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/tables/table-2e/
IVM = second after Remdesivir
cms.gov database:
There's a MEMO sent to all hospitals: says if you'll JUST PICK REMDESIVIR and NO OTHER DRUG, hospital will get a BONUS.
Hospitals are being BRIBED to prescribe it to 65+ population.
- - - - - - -
have seen the Ivermectin link previously.
The cms.gov link is new to me.
It says that remdesivir must be administered with baracitinib (i don't know why) - it don't qualify for a bonus. The other drug that rates a 'bonus' is convalescant plasma. Did not see anything about not being able to use other drugs in addition to remdesivir, but could be elsewhere on the website. 20% add-on payment given.
Also added the 81 trials for Ivermectin. Have heard that some docs/hospitals claim that it's only ok to use ivermectin if you're doing a trial - but doubt that's true.