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Dr. Bryam Bridle explains why highly vaccinated countries are having higher death statistics. @HATSTRUTH 🎩

Canadian doctor Dr. Byram Bridle
Viral immunologist & Assoc Prof at U of Guelph
[He's the one that brought the JAPANESE STUDY to the public - the one showing that spike protein goes all over the body]

update on what's happening now w/vaccines
looks like he's talking off the cuff at a demonstration 

- Recent study with 68 countries showed that the more VAXXED a country is, the more problems they're having with Covid.
[Study with 68 countries - high vax rate does NOT lower covid incidence - see CAP and next post:]

- The Vaxxed can spread the virus. Herd immunity impossible to achieve with the vaxxes.

- Meanwhile, the vax appears to allow CANCERS to proliferate - (because they eliminate or depress the positive effects of Killer T cells?) This is major focus now.

- Many physicians don't report to VAERS - they are pressured not to and it takes around 40 minutes per case. Many that are submitted are rejected by local official (doesn't go direct in Canada).

- D-Dimer test is good to do but many doctors won't do it. [tests for clotting/micro-clotting after vaxxing]

- Dr. Bridle is a vax developer. He looked at early treatment studies in countries where you can buy iVM over the counter - showed no dif between the gps. With controlled studies, showed IVM works.

- Egypt 3% vax rate - have 14 cases of COVID per date. VERY LOW. 

- Only thing we use is Remdesivir - it's dangerous.

- Only dangers of IVM with paste is from people miscalculating the treatment dose.

- MDs promote the vaccines wo/understanding the science - family docs get just a few lectures on immunology, especially vaccinology.

GOOD Q & A too.

He has been ATTACKED a lot - but by people who WILL NOT TALK TO HIM. OR read the science behind what he's written.
DNA - can vax alter it? Not sufficient data. Theoretically possible, we should investigate.

they keep moving the goalposts from ONE DOSE message from Canadian gov't. Now getting ONE DOSE = UNVAXXED. 
--they are not following the science--

there's moar....