Dr. Jessica Rose breaks down the Vaers data
"tells us what the public doesn't know about adverse vaccine side effects. #covid19"
Has published several papers on VAERS data.
The VAERS database grew in 2021 very quickly - we're way about normal this year. Saw that very early on.
May 2021 - looks like there's exponential growth. She started writing up the reports. No official agency is writing reports so she decided to. The results are very atypical, very high.
Clinical trials were "a joke." Very short, incomplete - including animal trials. (usually)
Only healthy people can participate. But how then do they think they've collected safety data for say pregnant women, obese people, children, etc. There hasn't been a proper process at any point. They should be looking for safety signals - they are not.
Usually, 50 people is the cutoff for deaths. We are now at about 8606 deaths.
[Is this the right number? If so, must have been recorded early this summer]
posted oct 29, 2021