All of these articles treat myocarditis as a VERY serious condition.
It's useful to know the --different types--, which are discussion in a technical wiki below. These will come up in future discussions of Covid-jab-related myocarditis.
Myocarditis : clinical presentation and management
Maarten Groenink, MD, PhD - Dept. Of Cardiology and Radiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam
--Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of the myocardium that may present with sudden cardiac death, symptoms mimicking myocardial infarction, heart rhythm and conduction disorders, and heart failure. Infectious, mostly viral, auto-immune and toxic agents are the main causative factors of myocarditis. .... Myocarditis may present with a wide variety of symptoms, partly determined by the underlying cause : acute, subacute or chronic. --
Four kinds of myocarditis:
- Fulminant myocarditis — Fulminant myocarditis presents with an acute illness after a distinct viral prodrome. Patients have severe cardiovascular compromise, multiple foci of active myocarditis by histologic study, and ventricular dysfunction that either resolves spontaneously or results in death.
- Acute myocarditis — Acute myocarditis presents with a less distinct onset of illness. Patients present with established ventricular dysfunction and may progress to dilated cardiomyopathy.
- Chronic active myocarditis — Chronic active myocarditis also presents with a less distinct onset of illness. Affected patients often have clinical and histologic relapses and develop ventricular dysfunction associated with chronic inflammatory changes, including giant cells on histologic study.
- Chronic persistent myocarditis — Chronic persistent myocarditis, which also presents with a less distinct onset of illness, is characterized by a persistent histologic infiltrate, often with foci of myocyte necrosis but without ventricular dysfunction, despite other cardiovascular symptoms such as chest pain or palpitation.
Survival rates are much higher for those with "fulminant" than "acute" - see CHART
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