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Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05766664

The Plan: Rescue Orphans from Port au Prince, Haiti 

Haiti Team: 
Laura Silsby, Charisa Coulter, Carla Thompson, Nicole & Corrinna Lankford 
Paul Thompsons Team from East Side Baptist Church, Twin Falls 

This interim location will enable us to provide a loving environment for up to 150 children, from infants to 12 years old. 

Team Needed: NLCR is praying and seeking people who have a heart for God and a desire to share God's love with these precious children, helping them heal and find new life in Christ. Please prayerfully consider a 2 week or longer mission trip to help NLCR provide rotating staffing for the care of the children over the next 6 months.

Prayer Requests: 
For God to continue to grant favor with the Dominican Government in allowing us to bring as many orphans as we can into the DR
WikiLeaks on Twitter, 3 Nov 2016
Significant, if partisan, find showing how the Clintons supported child stealer Laura Silsby
Reddit: I believe I have connected a convicted child abductor who was caught stealing children in Haiti with the Clintons