Originally posted 
Anonymous Admin 10/30/2022 (Sun) 12:06 Id: 3c990d (1) [Preview] No.74905

Due to the dick spammer some stuff have to be changed, updated on the board software and the server itself. But this resulted further bugs, since trying to mitigate it isn't straightforward, and it needed (still needs) some trial and error too. There are other goings with the site besides of this.
So there are some kinks.
> 400
> Blank parameter: boardUri, the parameter is not present.
error occurs when:
- opening threads via the catalog on clearnet
- on Tor with JS disabled
This is a new thing, we did not have this problem up to the last couple of weeks. We know about it and is under fixing.

> known spammer
thing, we can't do anything about it, it's an outside service the API uses to filter spam:
Here can one apply to remove the IP from the blocklist:
But I've never seen anyone having their home IP banned, but IPs that are used by others too like VPN or proxy.

On Tor, you need to fill a block bypass to post. It's straighforward, you fill a captcha and that's it. If you disabled JS it still can be done without much fuss. Also the browser might say it disabled some popup, that needs to be allowed.

Plus the complaints are posted fine, so I don't see the site not working.

I hope this helps. Pls link this post to others in the future, thanks.