Consequently, when other health authority figures, such as Atlas, advanced conflicting information, the above authorities enlisted help from the media to squash that dissent.

“Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, etc., went to their friends in the media and undermined people like me. Who, in fact, were saying what was correct, what has been validated as being correct this entire time.

“But the reality is, yes, the censorship of science kills people. And it killed people during this pandemic. There’s no doubt about that,” Atlas stated.

According to the latest Rasmussen Reports, 63 percent of “Likely U.S. Voters” want Congress to investigate the FBI’s involvement with social media companies like Twitter.

Unfortunately, Atlas stated, he’s skeptical about any investigation “led by government officials.” Moreover, he doesn’t think a Congressional investigation is enough to fully uncover the collaboration between Big Tech and the government.

“Government investigations are usually political in nature. And even if they aren’t political, they will be perceived as having been political. And once something is perceived as political, you’ve lost a significant percentage of the public in terms of credibility,” Atlas explained.

Still, while Atlas doesn’t believe a Congressional investigation is enough, he thinks investigations are necessary to bring the truth about the government working with social media to light.
