thumbnail of Rupaul & The Sexualization of Children!!!!!.mp4
thumbnail of Rupaul & The Sexualization of Children!!!!!.mp4
Rupaul & The... mp4
(82.42 MB, 1920x1080 h264)
English ex popstar calls out nonces and releases a track about nonces, called "Oi nonce,leave those kids alone"

Brian Harvey who is a household name in the uk,and was part of one of the uk's biggest boybands, calls out the Rupaul drag queen convention happening in London today
Marina Abromivich type art, rainbows, tickets for children when people are walking around with dildos, etc etc, all the usual shit 
Video includes his new single "Oi nonce, leave those kids alone" it's got biden sniffing kids and everthing, it's excellent and top kek