Jim Stone: A Realization About The "Beast System" To Throw Out There

In the Bible, the "beast system" brings all who participate enormous wealth. I don't see the WEF wanting to accomplish that, instead I see a WEF that wants private jets, yachts, multiple homes and more while the peons are denied owning cars and get injected with whatever sht they dream up while the peons eat bugs and are forced out of their way of life that in reality is not destroying the world at all . . . . "climate change" is a ruse that scammers are using to cause us to accept becoming weak enough to turn them into gods. That is all there is to it. And that is NOT what the "beast system" is supposed to do.

The doom of the "beast system" is that you go to hell for participating.

Those who do not participate will have to eat from the garbage or hide out in the wilderness while watching everyone else rise, just to prove they are not for Satan. It's not about escaping a horrible situation, it is about accepting sacrifice and refusing a mark that is not of God, a mark you have to accept to avoid being an outcast and collect the goodies. That is not the WEF -

With the WEF you participate no matter what and not only do you not get goodies, you lose what you have and then eat insect gruel. It's all about the ego of psychopaths. People will therefore say no. Satan is way too smart to cause that!! With Satan, the answer is supposed to be a happy YES.

THE DEMON: Senator Scott Weiner: "Gas stoves cause cardiac problems"

Hey, let's kill two birds at once!! People are starting to realize we conned them with Covid and then maimed them with our shot. Plus, gas stoves can make heat during our "dark winter" when we cut the power. Heck, an outdoor propane tank will keep a stove going 24/7 all winter and give people heat when we cut the electricity to their furnaces. We can't have that!!! People love their gas stoves, but they won't if we blame all the heart conditions our poison shot caused on them!!!

The obvious real reason for the Biden proposed gas stove ban is so when they turn off the lights, you don't have a secondary option. The push for all electric is all about control and nothing more. Ban burning wood. Then ban gas stoves. Create a crisis or social credit violation. Then cut the power. No cooked food, no alt heat sources except candles, which they'll probably also ban. Biden got busted with actual classified documents and to top it off, those documents showed his corruption with China. Not a win, the FBI just blew it off. Pence played the hero and yelled at the FBI. No action taken. Because yelling scares tyrants??

The military has canceled the Covid vax. Too little too late. How about "Just a couple years of service" and then "back to civilian life as normal", only, after that shot, NO. Interesting how they changed policy after Hamlin collapsed. Chatting with team mates?? HA. Again, NO. More like chatbotting with team mates, he's gone.

The Republican controlled house voted to create a new committee on the weaponization of the federal government. HA. Like that will pass.

Might happen: 14,000 hours of J6 footage to be released to show the real truth of what happened. That's a lot of cameras worth.



Unvaccinated pilots wanted for WEF attendees. pic.twitter.com/4uKi6rlFyl

— Muchemi Kimani (@MuchemiKimani1) January 10, 2023: https://twitter.com/MuchemiKimani1/status/1612731110647291904?ref_src=