This is why Americans need to be a lot more careful what websites they trust with their personal information, I've been saying this for YEARS. Nearly all Big Tech companies are being covertly ran by the American "intelligence" agencies & other alphabet gangs. The Missouri lawsuit is damning in and of itself, and is revealing who really created the TOS (terms of service) to these sites, who really is enforcing these policies, who it really benefits and just how much control over information they really have. Right now the US government is delaying, obfuscating, refusing, screaming and throwing tantrums to get this lawsuit thrown out, because if successful it will reveal the dirty secret we are all starting to find out. They have been controlling the media, including major social media platforms, for longer than you think. These platforms can be used as honeypots to dox undesirable citizens to real-time surveillance of undesirable individuals to censoring dissent of any kind to control the public narrative and propaganda campaigns. THAT SAID, any platform that requests your personal phone number to register should NOT be trusted, including Twitter even today. Any site that demands you reveal who you really are, by personally invasive means, should NOT be trusted. Any site that does not allow VPN or Tor use should also not be trusted. Personally I find it best to work with two separate isolated computers. One is used strictly for work and legit personal stuff like email and online purchases. When not in use, it gets physically disconnected from the internet. I use the other computer for shitposting on sites like these, or reading news or using p2p networks (none of the stuff on this computer is personal or has any personal info in it, as it is only used for anonymous activity and always protected using a VPN service). De-compartmentalization is key to operational security. As for all you phonefags, you have absolutely no clue the damage you all have done to our previously great and relatively secure internet of the past, and by being a phonefag you are doing this government a big favor by exposing yourself 24/7 to their surveillance grid. WHY? All for a little "convenience"!? Hope that works out well, because that's EXACTLY how they plan to implement the social credit score system and their dystopian "Great Reset" agenda.