> very few federal agencies - no dept of labor, osha, hhs, dept of ed, usda

True, but the problem is many of those agencies were never created by Congress or legislated into power in the first place. Another major problem is these agencies granted themselves fiat regulatory powers. And I pointed out THIS solution to that major problem:

> 2. All laws, rules and regulations MUST be passed into law through Congress and the President, no more "executive orders" or bureaucrats creating laws, rules and regulations out of thin air! Every single law, rule and regulation would need to be voted on and passed into law by our representatives. No more governance by fiat.

> No more governance by fiat.

That would be an option. I should have also expanded on that issue and said that any commodity could be recognized as legal tender too, that way people would have multiple options how to store and secure their wealth, as well options to counter or replace corrupted markets/currency in general.