Riccardo Bosi Talks to Steve Kirsch
Nov 14, 2021

Steve Kirsch - 
Enterpreneur who was originally motivated to fund research on covid bc he found out about early treatment and wanted to check it out. started the Covid 19 Early Treatment Fund. (Kirsch used to believe the CDC. Got vaxxes, his family got vaxxed. "Drank the KoolAid." Heard from someone that 3 family members died after taking the vax - then other stories.)

Interested in repurposed drugs.
Funded scientists that nobody else was funding (NIH, etc).
David Weisman - early study on HCQ but buried. Must be given early in correct amt.

Another study on fluvooxamine also got positive results. 100% EFFECTIVE. 
50mil twice a day for 14 days taken early. 
Offered a million dollars to anyone who could disprove this.
All the journals rejected the fluvoxamine results.
12x reduction in mortality - massive effect.
When finally published in LANCET, it was COMPLETELY IGNORED.
6000 patients, none even got HOSPITALIZED. 

NIH, AMA, WHO - don't care about saving lives, they care about being right.
Ignore anything except from Big Pharma.
"There is clearly an agenda going on here."
It's really tragic. We could save millions of lives.
They do no cross benefit analysis - they just say "not enough evidence."

We should DITCH the vaccines and just use these treatments.
Most of the treatments are not only safe, but GOOD FOR YOU.
Vaxxes can make you more vulnerable to the virus. 

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche was right. Vaxxes are creating variants. Vaxxes are creating cancers, heart attacks, other serious problems.

--Bosi - VAERS doesn't record, hard to get real numbers.--
SK says mean underreporting for VAERS is on the average 30x (10x - 100ox).

Discussion of underreporting factor in VAERS. Only takes 2 hours to do, best using anaphylaxis. Found that anaphylaxis was underreported by a factor of 41.
Pfizer trials not typical - used people much healthier than in the genl population. Trials are gamed.

You can also calculate how many lives are saved vs lost. But FDA etc won't do the tests on either this or the underreporting factor.

"SAFE AND EFFECTIVE" narratives crushes discussion.
Should be "trust but verify."
Autopsies in Germany - one researcher found that 30-40% died from the vax.
Another German group found it was about 50%. ~38 minutes

There's a positive correlation between vax given and high covid death rates.
Look at India and Israel. Also other serious problems. In Pfizer's own study, placebo did better (death rate) than the vax. Saved 1 life in 22,000 people.

--BOSI: The data is there but people aren't getting access.-- 
Discussion about how to deal with adverse effects in the future. Steve says first we have to recognize how many people are vax-injured.

Steve: First, you have to get the cause of the problem OUT OF THE BODY (spike protein). Have to look at traponin levels - also D-dimer levels, cytokines.
Have to start there. Check covidlonghaulers.com

Mandate is absolutely insane. 800x more dangerous than smallpox - and smallpox is said to be too dangerous to use.

Other side is using mere HAND WAVING ARGUMENTS: there's no evidence, they're just attention-getting. "These vaccines are a complete disaster."

What will happen: All sorts of serious diseases, strokes, heart attacks.  Greatest public health disaster in history. But FB has been "super effective" in suppressing information. Press will always suppress vax status of children who are dying. Or athletes. They say, "nobody knows." Will take a LONG TIME FOR PEOPLE TO GET THRU THE COGNITIVE DISSONANCE. Eventually, mebbe Robt Kennedy will finally get a real debate on the safety of vaccination.
