I have engaged the Gateway Pundit articles on a sudden spike in mortality in the UK. I scoffed at the reporting and said let's hear from the morticians who tipped us off to covid related deaths 2 years ago. My point was guys on the front lines KNOW while GP wants the clicks from the fear they raise and cite their own reporting.

Now I find this-embalmers.

Embalmers Find Bizarre Clots 

"There’s nothing quite like a shocking bit of evidence to turn a case.

Shortly after the Covid vaccines were introduced, embalmers reported finding not only many more clots in the deceased but strange clots. Long, tough, fibrous, pale clots that some liken to calamari.

Embalmers with hundreds of collective years of experience between them have said such clots, while not entirely unheard of, were quite rare in the past and were constrained to a limited set of areas in the body.

But now? These clots are being pulled out of veins and arteries all over the body.

Moreover, the blood that drains is being described as “dirty,” implying that microclots are gluing red blood cells together into rafts."