DETAILS FROM MARTIN (early in video):
1999 - patents digitized by IBM
found that 1/3 of all patent variations were linguistic forgeries
patents on corona virus started showing up
2003 - CDC saw possibility of a "gold strike" - sought to PATENT it so they controlled the proprietary rights
- to the disease
- the virus
- to its detection
- to the measurement of it
So they could control who could make independent analysis of the virus.
Fauci, Baric, CDC and laundry list of people who wanted credit for developing corona virus
2003 - 2018: controlled 100% of the CASH FLOW around development of corona virus
started with Baric in 1999
famous for chimeric corona research at UNC.
corona virus seen as an exploitable resource for good and ill
April 2003 - CDC filed a patent for control of corona virus.
there is a law prohibiting anyone from patenting something that is from nature
EITHER Sars Corona Virus was mfr'd or it was natural (no patent allowed). If mfr'd, was a violation of Biological Weapons treaties. Either way, ILLEGAL.
Spring 2007 - CDC filed a petition with patent office to keep their patent application PRIVATE.
Means, motive, monetary gain was obtained.
Between 2012 - 2014, something happened. Fed funding for research on this research suddenly dried up. Something happened at NIH - they decided to suspend GoF research on corona virus. But letters sent to researchers gave notice to STOP - but really meant KEEP GOING. Offshore the research in Wuhan. Hide it by running $ thru Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance.
Meryl Nass, MD: first person to look at biological warfare an prove it was not a natural occurence
see CAPP
Never thought Corona virus was natural; looked designed to her
lots of pathogenic on corona viruses
Nature paper: claimed it was natural. She didn't understand why they were risking their reputation.
Montaigner: It's not natural. Could be done by someone expert in molecular biology.
Martin: The evidence is right in front of our face.
[Discussion of Google and fact checking]