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>>/11712/ New Paths out of Trauma: American psychologist Meridith Miller Corona Cmte #78 saw this last week, have been looking for it to take notes bc it was so substantive. starts around here: ~2:45 Viviane- What happened to respect for others' bodies: MM - People won't listen when facts someone presented conflicts w/what they want to believe Facts overriden by primitive brain; leads to DENIAL. Keeps people STUCK in BAD RELATIONSHIPS. How does a person come out of it? Frying pan to the head experience: VISCERAL experience People want to believe that the govt wants the best for them. 2020 - beginning of hypnotic induction EG: "social distancing" - induces dissonance (evoke opposites) - becomes difficult to think when we're in that state People will have moments of clarity but then brain short-circuits back into denial UNTIL they have that VISCERAL experience. [ = BIG SHOCK] THE CRISIS MUST PIERCE THEIR DENIAL Reiner talks about euphemisms used to keep people asleep. Viv - re abuse situations. Shift from good to abusive. But is this situ like that? Or more like Stockholm Syndrome? Where the victimizer becomes a hero. MM - 2 phases in abuse cycle: 1. "love bombing" - someone helping you, positive messages 2. "devaluation" - you're sick, dangerous, weak, etc. When abuser senses they've gone a little too far - they'll pull back. Covid - you can travel, take off masks. You go BACK AND FORTH. This keeps people confused, off-balance. Viv - Is this planned? Or is it intuitive or structured? MM - Highly orchestrated. Like Operation Paperclip. Did a lot with behavioral modification. They tried pandemic in 2009 and it flopped. Why? Not enough social media at that time. Provocative (fear pron), Reaction (fear), Solution (we'll fix it). Now that cycle is happening "exponentially fast." Reiner - CRISIS to wake people up, how does it work? MM - it's going to intensify, always works that way. Gaslighting campaign at the start (reality is distorted but those who do it intend to make people question themselves for questioning the narrative). Hopefully, more people will wake up as intensity of what's being done increases. BUT we are going to see an EPIDEMIC of mental illness bc too many will be severely traumatized. There will be people that just can't handle what is being revealed. Abuse develps, intensifies, continues over time [alternating with "love"] > learned helplessness > feeling that there is no way out leadss to the development of self-destructive habits. Suicides, drug abuse, destruction of relationships - way up. When we become traumatized, we find it hard to connect with others. Also, gaslighting teaches u not to trust yourself. In this way, the system develops a CULT dynamic - this is trauma-based mind control. Some people can step outside of this dynamic but it's hard bc is goes outside of our social nature. Viv - How do you get out? MM - Develop the habit of relentlessly facing the truth Viv - Does it help to offer a different peer group? MM - Usually, a person will reject that bc that conflicts with their fantasy. Try getting a person to write out a list of all the things that are wrong with the relationship/situation. Ultimately tho, it has to come from inside. Happens after the big event that shocks them out of delusion. Reiner - Intell officers have said this is a huge psyop. But what is the ultimate goal/motivation? MM- Control. Look at a psychopath in a relationship. It's beyond money. Smaller group easier to control. As soon as they think they are losing power, they'll give us something to seduce us back into their control. page 1