We've all been born into this world that is based on trauma.
Need to work on healing those traumas and on taking responsibility.
We need to be a survivor and being empowered. That's the big threshhold.
We have to save ourselves. We individuals form the collective. What we do as individuals spreads - heals the world.
Reiner - friend who has sat in with cabal types says they "laugh their asses off" to see people fooled
MM - People aren't stupid, they are just conditioned. We can try to help those people but also need boundaries w/people who are still not awakened.
Viv - Abusers, will they wake up or duck out?
MM - [mostly duck out]
DARVO - narcissistic abuse technique
denial, attack, reverse, victim, offender
D ("not me"), A R ("you're the problem"), V O ("i'm the victim, you're the offender")
This time, the level of this trauma is so big - hope the magnitude will break thru the cycle of abuse
This is a turning point - make or break
We're not even i n the post-trauma phase. It's ongoing atm.
Trauma is destructive but it's also a means to awaken. Allows us to create something new.
Reiner: "I can definitely see that there is light at the end of the tunnel."
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