Why are they hiding this about Klaus Schwab and the WEF?
Redacted with Clayton Morris

Investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore (partner Whitney Webb)

A special project was set up at Harvard in 1950's called Kissinger's International Seminar. Klaus father, Eugene Schwab sent Klaus to Harvard from Germany and by invitation Klaus was accepted into the seminar in 1964. The program was set up by William Yandel Elliot who had been an advisor to six different presidents, a high ranking member  of the Council on Foreign Relations. He invented this seminar and put Kissinger in charge to train young global leaders.
In 1966 Humphrey Dorman of Harvard released in the NY Times preemptively that Kissinger's Seminar was funded by the CIA from 1960 - 1966 through American Friends of the Middle East, Kermit Roosevelt, the Farfield Foundation and the Asian Foundation. In the course Klaus was given two mentors, Herman Khan (described by some as a Dr. Strangelove) and John Kenneth Galbraith a teacher of JFK and JFK made him ambassador to India but JFK thought highly enough of Galbraith wanted him as the ambassador to Soviet Union. John Kenneth Galbraith along with Otto van Hapsburg would become the Keynote Speakers in the first World Economic Forum. They worked together on the creation of the European Management Symposium, two years later it became the European Management Forum and during the fall of the Soviet Union it would become the World Economic Forum.


Elliot https://www1.cmc.edu/pages/faculty/welliott/teachers/elliott.htm

Kahn https://www.rand.org/pubs/papers/P1888.html

Galbraith  https://www.jfklibrary.org/asset-viewer/archives/JKGPP

Habsburg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_von_Habsburg

WEF history https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_First40Years_Book_2010.pdf