>>/118132/ (PB)
Heres an old video of a tap into a cats optic nerve and display what the cat sees. This UCLA, tech now - from 2015 era.
Anything which changes proportionately affected by outside factors can be used to create a visual image
heat, sound, EM emission, magnetism etc.
We can make images from pulsed sound as bats do, sonar, or from EM outputs - like how a body changes the sound moving around the room is an image.
We can look through the eyes of animal who see different parts of the spectrum than we do.
There are NO SECRETs anymore. Not for King Charles Windsor, not for the pedo cultists, and not for Anons.
We always see the emperor is naked 1'st.
Only later do we come to understand that we are all naked and our lies avail nothing.
This will cause some of us to end our estrangement from God.
In the nick of the time we are almost out of.