its that beat, its that beat that makes me think
theres a chance then i gotta play
learning pains i have to pay
new culture better watch what i say
thinking about Night Shift all day
Meme war, practice my aim
hate swamp, same
checkmate, game
thas not a game, thas real Life
facui lies promoted by fake news
i thought fbi would make swamp pay their dues
little did i know years would past w/o justice
shills whine so i be quiet
research leads to info, ammo during information war
ptsd from psychological scars
world of untrustworthy psychologist
who really knows whats going on
who woulda guess turns out Anons know the most
lead the way
Q knew way back then what we would be now?
all these questions, hard to stay focused
focus, FOCUS, Presidential Caps makes me smile to think about
who reads our words and signals back
i see it all the time; thank you Anons
 $tupid Young - Tell Me Whats Love
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