Roger Waters Accused Of Being "Putin Apologist" By Former Band Mate As He Calls For Peace In Ukraine

"Gilmour, who has feuded with Waters for decades, didn’t directly lambast Waters, however, he simperingly retweeted the scathing words of his wife, author Polly Samson.

Samson launched the verbal assault in response to the publication of an interview Waters gave to German newspaper Berliner Zeitung in which he called for peace and said that Western politicians should attempt to better understand Putin’s motivations.

“[Putin] launched it on the basis of reasons that if I have understood them well are: 1. We want to stop the potential genocide of the Russian-speaking population of the Donbas. 2. We want to fight Nazism in Ukraine,” Waters said in the interview.

Waters, who posted a translation of the interview on his website, also described Joe Biden as a “war criminal” for supplying arms to Ukraine.

Gilmour’s wife also labeled Waters ‘antisemitic’, a charge regularly leveled at him for his criticism of Israel’s military occupation of the Gaza Strip."

This might be the only time I have sided with Waters over Gilmour, but I am not a groupie either.