Battle at the Border | Trudeau On Trial Docuseries (Episode 5)
Watch the fifth episode of our newest documentary, Trudeau On Trial, for free.
In the fifth episode of our documentary series, Trudeau On Trial, our focus shifts a pair of blockades at the Canada-United States border crossing, one in Coutts, Alberta and another in Windsor, Ontario.
Numerous officials, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, cited the dangers these blockades apparently posed — the alleged potential for violence in Coutts, the reported economic harms in Windsor — along with the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa as a justification for invoking the Emergencies Act.
“Battle at the Border” examines whether these blockades truly posed a threat to Canada's national security.
Lawyers Eva Chipiuk, Keith Wilson and Brendan Miller, who represented the truckers at the Public Order Emergency Commission guide viewers through the events that led to the borders being cleared before the Emergencies Act, and how restrictions like the government-mandated ArriveCAN app, would result in more economic damage than the blockades