Canada’s Role in the War in Syria
Part one of two parts. Canada has blood on its hands in Syria. Canadian intelligence would have provided its government with the facts concerning the Syrian uprising in Deraa in March 2011.
That information would have allowed the Canadian government to determine whether to support the US-NATO attack on Syria for regime change or to stand on its own two feet and stay out of nation-building in the Middle East.
Instead, the Canadian government knowingly hung on to the apron strings of their southern neighbor and followed the leader into destroying a nation, and deliberately preventing its recovery when the conflict was over.
The conflict in Syria has been described as a popular uprising that was crushed, or as a civil war. The Syrian conflict is neither. It was a CIA-engineered plan for regime change directed by US President Obama. Later, the EU and Canada supported the US-NATO attack on Syria because the EU and Canada usually follow the lead of the US unquestioningly.