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Amazing Polly's Take on Mattias Desmit's "Mass Formation Psychosis"
 >>/118574/ pb [Embed]
detailed notes; anything in [] is mine.

Desmet: For MFP to develop, 4 conditions have to be met:
- social isolation
- no meaning
- free floating anxiety
- free floating frustration and aggression
then hypnotist can create a narrative that people will buy if it alleviates those conditions
--Polly goes into MORE DETAIL--

The conditions were (purposely?) created before the pandemic - HOW??
1 - social isolation': social media, censorship, migration, hostility towards Christianity
2 - no meaning - word salad, scientism, crazy-making gaslighting propaganda from media
3 - free floating anxiety: use pseudo disasters and other stuff to disorient people (sex ed, anarchy, infanticide)
4 - frustration/aggression:  Try to SILENCE our real options using 3 techniques:
	a. political correctness - people walk on eggshells to avoid offending others
	b. the "opinion corridor" - areas you can't go into, things you can't discuss (this can be quite SUBTLE - ltd hangouts, etc]
	c. cancel culture - censorship is okay (because it "hurts" people) - no DEVIATIONS allowed
As these conditions have become more pervasive , the effects have been to DENIGRATE real science, real expertise, real scholarship.

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