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Corona Cmte talks with Dr. Sam White on the Intentional Underreporting and Obscuration of Covid Stats
Discussion focuses initially on the first criminal complaint being launched against UK government officials for criminal misconduct in public office relating to the Covid vaccine roll-out. Discussion focuses on the poor reporting of death statistics due to Covid and the under-reporting factor.
90 minutes in, the talk moves to a discussion about how the batches are DELIBERATELY VARIED in composition. This is EXPLOSIVE. These are the findings of Craig-Paardekooper about death by alphabet. (You get one batch, you're ok; you get another, and you're dead.)
Posted here recently - see CAP.
Paardekooper published his first report around Dec. 2; subsequently picked up by Mike Yeadon - also Wolfgang Wodarg and others. WW mentions that some of the batches are --2500x more toxic than others.--
"And they all have PATENTS on this stuff!"
It is worst than Nuremberg what happens now!
"This is PROOF - it is PLANNED."
All agree: this is TOTAL DYNAMITE. They are encouraging people to ARCHIVE OFFLINE, since they figure it'll get WIPED OUT IMMEDIATELY.
Something new I learned:
The companies appear to have COORDINATED with one another, such that when one company was doing an "experiment in lethality," another would use relatively harmless batches.
Reiner thinks this is a turning point - that it will legally dismantle the entire corrupt enterprise, especially in the States, where you can get punitive damages 21x the actual damages.