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Gall Stone anon here.

90 days ago I posted that I have suffered from a single gall stone and would be getting treatment from a naturalpath. After 90 days of treatment I was going to have a follow up ultrasound to see if the stone had reduced in size. I was asked to post the results here, using the same pic I used 3 months ago.

The results are in. Unfortunately I do not have precise numbers for the follow up. They did not include them in the report.
The stone was originally 3cm, or 30mm before treatment.
I told the radiologist tech I needed measurements of the stone. That was the whole idea for the test. Fortunately she did show me the screen with numbers showing. There was an X and Y measurement. The numbers were something like 1.5 and 1.7. That had to be cm. (even if it was 2.x cm that's still a reduction) Since I cannot remember the numbers precisely, I will guess a reduction in size by one third. The regime is working, and the stone is measurably smaller.
I am taking a half a dozen supplements. They are not cheap. The doctor I see and the supplements are not being paid for by my insurance. This is all out of pocket. But I ask you, in dollars, how much is keeping your healthy organ worth to you?
I would never say anyone could do what I am doing. There are different reasons for having gall stones. But never let the medical community tell that stones cannot be reduced.
I will report again in 90 days.
If anyone wants further details, let me know.