I think it's just cheaper to do the apple cider gallstone flush.

-Drink apple cider for 1 week, 2 - 4L per day (will also detox you, I was getting visions and shit during this part)
-Main purpose of the apple cider is to soften the stones
-7th day you are going to take Epsom salts throughout the day and start shitting your ass off (do not eat food this day)
-Night time before sleep on day 7 you take a glass full of Olive Oil with Lemon Juice (this will create pressure to push the stones out)
-Wake up day 8 take some more Epsom Salts but as soon as you wake up you will need to take a dump and a lot of the stones will come out in the morning.

Once you get the stones moving you have to repeat this once per month for 3-6 months until you don't see any more stones coming out. Mostly the stones are caused by unhealthy Cholesterol (processed oils, mostly low quality vegetable oil like canola)

Can find many guides online just use keywords gallbladder cleanse apple cider epsom salt.