Dr. Peter McCullough on the Suppression of Alternative Treatments for COVID-19
10-minute CLIP
Premiered 101 minutes ago
American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times
Dr. Peter McCullough discusses the near universal dismissal by public health officials and the media of alternative treatments to COVID-19, including medicines that were previously considered perfectly safe, that are now being demonized. He says that vaccines were being touted as the only possible solution to the COVID-19 pandemic, even before the vaccines had made it through any clinical trials.
#PeterMcCullough #Omicron #VaccineMandate
The vaxxes were being pushed in the US even before they were out of clinical trials. Some countries outside the US have been using alternative therapies, but this never gets reported on. In the Caribbean and India, they hand out treatment kits. But we hear nothing about it. He just coauthored a paper with colleagues from Honduras. Nothing here. Using gargles like betadine, dilute hydrogen peroxide and bleach help zap the viruses - masks and hand sanitizer don't. THE VIRUS IS SPREAD THRU THE AIR. This was known early in 2021. Put it in the nose too - half a teaspoon in a shot glass with 1.5cc's of water squirted with a bulb syringe up into the nose, use the rest to gargle. Do that twice a day preventively - or 4x a day if you get the virus.
Only those with an iodine allergy or hyperthyroidism would have a problem - then use hydrogen peroxide instead. Tip: if it stings, it's too strong.