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> In case someone wishes to join us and watch a movie.
i saw 'Red Heat' last time; it was a blast to the past
i missed the last half due to errands
prolly same thing is going to happen w this movie; errands upcoming
i like to think about Anons going to the movies together
too bad hwood is such a gutter
some of the best stories come from the bottom?
the realest descriptions come from Truth?
gruesome scenes need toning down?
boring stories need seasoning?
if hwood ever ended i think hwood2 would pop up fast because humans need their stories and swamp needs their outlet
People say words don't hurt like sticks and stones but if those words brainwash how long is the injury?
until you wake yourself up or some2s brings the covfefe?
when you wake yourself up you are not embarrassed
if some1 wakes you, embarrassing to wake up in front of others
some ppl aren't worried about embarrassment, others avoid it like a vampire
'pride B4 the fall'; ask me how i know
but all my flaws summed up is how God made me so i attempt to turn them into advantages by understanding them, and perhaps understanding why God made me so
4example, would prosthetics be dreamed up if none ever lost a limb?
how advance will prosthetics become?
who knows the Future?
'necessity is the mother of invention'?
its almost like the flaws reveal what is and will be needed
mysterious as ever so enjoy the SHOW i suppose
thank you Anons