 Seth Rich was the source for the 2016 Wikileak emails and do not forget Shawn Lucas who died only a month after Seth Rich as he was a democrat totally sick of the DNC corruption and launched a lawsuit against the criminal democratic party and was dead within weeks after that. 

Deaths of Shawn Lucas & Seth Conrad Rich - OAN 8-06-2016

There was actually 5 murders around this time before the 2016 election. A wikileaks lawyer was SUICIDED on a train around August 2016 and a couple other ARKANCIDES. 

I have been watching the CLINTON BODY COUNT since 2002 when it was 60 people. Because of the FAKE MEDIA these criminals have been able to walk the streets as free people still. 

Even with all the murders Hillary was still denied the presidency that the elite had promised her but between the MEME WARS and Julian Assange's EMAIL LEAKS drip by drip in 2016 the people saw through this EVIL WITCH and then she wrote a book to the elites called "WHAT HAPPENED?". 

They have always called us CONSPIRACY THEORISTS for connecting dots and pointing out the OBVIOUS that goes beyond coincidences. 
Gee.... seems like all the Clinton associates committing suicide over the years. What are the odds of that??