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i did not know he died.   Old style 60s democrat turned journalist fighting crime suppression by media.

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Posted on January 13, 2022
Colin Flaherty, Rest in Peace

Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, January 12, 2022

Colin Flaherty died Tuesday January 11th, with family at his side, in the house in which he grew up in Wilmington, Delaware. He was 66 years old and suffered from cancer. Probably best known for his books, White Girl Bleed a Lot and Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry, he was a very successful podcaster, live-streamer, and author.

Colin’s books on the color of crime were praised by a number of blacks, including Thomas Sowell and Allen West. Larry Elder interviewed him, most recently on March 15, 2021. The Huffington Post, of course, called his reporting “race-baiting,” and Heidi Beirich of the Southern Poverty Law Center wrote that by publishing him, American Thinker — where he has an extensive archive — had “sunk to the bottom of the racist barrel.” I did not meet him until early 2018, but admired his charm, eloquence, and good humor, and did several interviews with him.