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Whitney Webb on Big Data
Palantir Technologies is the privatized version of a program DARPA was trying to run after 9/11 named Total Information Awareness (which was part of an older version that goes back to the Iran Contra Era and Continuity of Government Protocols) intended to create a "massive data base of domestic dissidents in the United States who could be rounded up on some sort of vaguely defined National Emergency that would threaten Continuity of Government." The federal government needed software to turn the acquired "massive data troves into actionable intelligence and developed Palantir". For three years Palantir's only client was the CIA. Currently all 18 US agencies use Palantir. 
Palantir was developed by InQtel (formerly Peleus) which is a CIA venture capital firm. Palantir is the successor to the Promis (Prosecutors Management Info System) a software developed in the 1980's. It was developed by INSLAW (Institute for Law and Social Research) for prosecutors to use in law enforcement record keeping and case-monitoring activities. The 1980's Promis Scandle involved INSLAW's allegation that the Justice Department pirated the Promis software to create a monitoring software for intelligence and drove the company into bankruptcy.
Peter Thiel is a co-founder of Palantir Technologies. "He is a CIA front-man who funds right-leaning platforms to access data." Thiel invested in Facebook to resurrect Total Information Awareness. Darpa at the same time created Lifelog. Both platforms intended people to willingly hand-over data.
Thiel is also partner with the venture capital firm Founders Fund. The firm was an early investors in Paypal, Google, Palantir and SpaceX. Webb points out it is reasonable to discuss Elon Musks relationship with Peter Thiel in considering Musks Twitter acquisition.
Webb explains that the decades of looting and financial crimes by the financial elite is no longer tenable and unable to keep "current banking system alive with out major reckoning". The financial elite planned a "controlled demolition." CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) is a slavery system - hence the need for Big Data, "masquerading" as a financial system. If people find out they were bluffed they are "going to be mad and rise up" - "CBDC is part of controlling any blow back." Whitney Webb refers to the U.S. current war as a "War on Domestic Dissidents." 
