fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[qrbunker] - Endchan Magrathea
thumbnail of nooseworthy.png
thumbnail of nooseworthy.png
nooseworthy png
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thought about this
They staged the whole Jan6 "event" "Insurrection" simulation.
"by  the book"
They knew DJT was completely within his rights to call for a real insurrections against them;
So that's why.
And he and us are patient; Why? Because it never would've worked then, they need to play out their bullshit - thinking they are winning.
All the frauds - go alongs to get alongs - they all glow.
Like drinking something phosphorescent before having a scan / e-ray - all the cancer/ disease shows up.
Somehow no one's been charged over Jan 6th though the scam has  been public the whole time - with witnesses onf tik tok , etc.