spices have high levels of toxic heavy metals.
Lead, arsenic, and cadmium are heavy metals that even in small amounts increase the risk of cancer, cognitive and reproductive problems, and other adverse conditions. Exposure puts children at risk for lowered IQ, behavioral problems (such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), Type 2 diabetes, and other health issues.
According to Consumer Reports experts, in 31 products, levels of lead were so high that they exceeded the maximum amount anyone should have in a day. They caution that “just one serving—3/4 teaspoons or more—per day leaves little room for heavy metal exposure from other sources” including in “fruit juice, baby food, and rice.”
Also in many recipes, spices and dry herbs are combined. Consumer Reports findings show, for example, that “a dish that has just ¼ teaspoon each of Great Value (Walmart) Chili Powder, Trader Joe’s Organic Cumin, and La Flor Oregano per serving would contain enough arsenic, cadmium, and lead to pose a concern.”
A 2018 study in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report found high lead levels in 22 percent of food samples—mostly spices and herbal remedies—taken from homes of children with lead poisoning in North Carolina.