March 27, 2023
1:00 AM EDT
After Words Angela Saini, "The Patriarchs - The Origins of Inequality". Science journalist Angela Saini explored the origins of patriarchy and how it spread to societies around the world. She was interviewed by author and the Women's Media Center director Soraya Chemaly.
American History/BookTV
2:00 AM EDT
The Biggest Ideas in the Universe. Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll breaks down some of the complex equations and ideas in physics for non-physicists. This lecture was hosted by the Harvard Bookstore and the Harvard Science Center.
American History/BookTV
3:20 AM EDT
Dana Milbank, "The Destructionists - The Twenty-Five Year Crack-Up of the Republican Party". Washington Post opinion columnist Dana Milbank offered his thoughts on the evolution of the conservative movenment. The Woman's National Democratic Club in Washington, D.C., hosted this program.
American History/BookTV
4:00 AM EDT
43rd Meeting - 52nd Regular Session of Human Rights Council
United Nations
4:00 AM EDT
513rd Meeting, 36th Session, Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW)
United Nations
4:00 AM EDT
Opening Plenary - 26th Session, Commission on Science and Technology for Development
United Nations
4:15 AM EDT
"Meme Wars". Co-Authors Joan Donovan, Emily Dreyfuss & Brian Friedberg discuss how disinformation and right wing conspiracy theories take root online. This event was sponsored by the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
American History/BookTV
4:30 AM EDT
Macroeconomic Policy Coherence, Global Trade and Livelihoods
Observer Research Foundation
5:00 AM EDT
Outer Space: Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Legal Subcommittee, 62nd session, 1044th meeting
United Nations
5:20 AM EDT
About Books With PragerU Podcaster Michael Knowles. Author and Daily Wire host Michael Knowles discussed his PragerU program and podcast 'The Book Club' on the books that have shaped Western Civilization. About Books also reported on the latest publishing industry news and current non-fiction books.
American History/BookTV
5:47 AM EDT
Non-fiction books and authors
American History/BookTV
6:00 AM EDT
Author Jeff Hobbs on Stories of Survival and Hope in the Juvenile Justice System
Bestselling author and journalist Jeff Hobbs discusses his book "Children of the State," which looks at the workings of the juvenile justice system in the United States.
7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones: Viewers responded to the question “What does ‘Woke’ mean to you?”
Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.
7:00 AM EDT
HRC - Press Conference: Fact-Finding Mission on Libya
United Nations