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 one of the bills that would ban TikTok is being pushed, as we said, by senators in both parties is called the Restrict Act,” Carlson noted. “Mark Warner of Virginia and John Thune of South Dakota, Democrat and Republican, introduced this legislation. Now, the bill is ostensibly a protecting American national security and ending ‘foreign adversaries’ from interfering in our elections through apps like TikTok because, of course, election interference by Twitter and Facebook is no problem at all.”

Carlson continued, “But election interference from TikTok is totally unacceptable. OK. But in reality, and you should know this, if you’re opposed to TikTok as we are, This bill isn’t really about banning TikTok. It’s never about what they say it is.”

“Instead, this bill would give enormous and terrifying new powers to the federal government to punish American citizens and regulate how they communicate with one another,” Carlson said.