good morning bunker baker

Let us pray....

Our Father, who art in Heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name!
You are uncreated and unchanging.
Eternal and Everlasting.
You are He who created all things, visible and invisible
You are Mighty, Righteous and Fearful,
You gave me the Breath of Life and are the only diety worthy of any praise!
So I Bless the Name of the Heavenly Father,
And I Bless the Name of your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
and I Bless the Name of your Holy Spirit.
I thank you for another day of life, another day with shelter, health, income, nourishment, and transportation. I thank you for placing me in this Land, which still has your Blessings! I thank you for friends, family and loved ones.
Dear Lord forgive me of all my sins, known and unknown and wash my garments pure white and purify my spirit, so that I may be worthy before the Lord.
We ask for your protection this day from all the wiles of those who oppose You and Your servants.
We ask that you Bless our judges, every judge, from the local precinct to the Supreme Court of the United States. Heighten their sense of righteousness and justice and invigorate their adherence to our Constitution.
We pray for those who wrongly abuse us. May your Blessings on our enemies ruin their evil plans. And may your Blessings on the Lost increase your Harvest on the Great Day of the Lord.