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 >>/125119/ pb
not him
60 minutes

to the anon who asked about who is a cool doc.

 >>/125379/ pb
I looked at the astrological chart for the full moon which occurred around midnight this morning.
And that came to me, what anon is saying, about the perps figuring out what happened. Though I fail to understand how the fake indictment triggers it?
To me they are just totalitarian psychopaths doing their totalitarian psychopath thang.
It's a Saturn Mars trine 
(Sidereal Astrology) Mars is in ninth house (wisdom) Saturn is in 5th (creativity)
mars saturn combo means criminals?

the criminals woke up / became aware; how I interpreted it.
One can hope.
anon didn't understand what I was seeing. It seemed like "criminals becoming aware"
Tues at 2:15 looked like a very good time to me; ironic.
 >>/125333/ pb