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Washington State Passes Law To Legalize Mutilation Of Children Without Parental Consent

The Washington House has passed a bill allowing shelters to keep runaway juveniles from their parents to get an abortion and/or 'gender surgeries' that include removing a girl's breasts or uterus, as well removing a boy's penis.

Although framed by proponents as a bill to protect youth suffering from abuse (as outright hypocritical as that sounds), SB 5599 only stipulates that the minors be "seeking or receiving protected health care services" for a homeless shelter or "host home" to avoid informing the parents or legal guardians, as otherwise required by state law.

Currently, if a runaway minor goes to a youth shelter, the organization must inform the parents or legal guardians within 24-72 hours. This new bill would allow clinics and institutions not to report missing children if they are seeking abortions or irreversible gender surgeries. The bill does not state when or if the parents ever need to be notified of their child's whereabouts.

This bill will obviously put children in danger to sexual predators. Never before in the history of America has such horrific legislation ripe for criminal abuse ever been passed. No wonder the world is turning their back on America in disdain and disgust.