That does happen
NAC and bromine works for me
black seed oil
vit c powder.
guava fruit if you can get it. Or  the paste.
Need to re-supply with the ivermectin - that works like nobody'[s business
With the treatments.
hot bath. sun in middle of day
very hot bath 15 minute soak, then cold douse/ stand in cold shower
(re-sets immune system)
learned all these secret remedies.
oh right. most important
intermittent fasting.
stopped eating after 3 : 30 four in the afternoon.
only one meal or two. no snacks.
That really worked.
took a few months of detox. from that 
cut out sugar and grain. 
fatigue? it's mostly gone.
energy back 
swollen glands in throat are down- (believe it or not, it's the guava that did that, it seems.)
gargle with Listerine, especially after being out.
gargle with previdone iodine, diluted.
and various medicinal teas.
If I forget the routines, certain symptoms come back
Magnesium helps to sleep. I try ot get 7 or 8 hours.-
Am around large numbers of people quite often
Used to be a big problem - until I started the lifestyle changes / remedies.
With the spike protein who knows how long I'll have to keep doing this.
but so happy to know and to find that there are remedies.