10:30 AM EDT
(Accesibility Feed) 2023 ECOSOC Youth Forum - Ministerial Session, Part A
United Nations
10:30 AM EDT
2023 ECOSOC Youth Forum - Ministerial Session, Part A
United Nations
10:30 AM EDT
AI Inventorship Listening Session - East Coast
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
11:00 AM EDT
Nikki Haley Remarks on Abortion Policy
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley delivers a speech on abortion during an appearance in Arlington, Virginia.
11:00 AM EDT
Can We Fix Social Security? A Discussion with Sen. Bill Cassidy
Bipartisan Policy Center
11:00 AM EDT
DataWorks! Prize Symposium (Day 1)
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services
11:00 AM EDT
Search for Origins of Anti-CRISPR Proteins by Structure Comparison - NLM Intramural Research Program IRP Seminar
National Library of Medicine, Department of Health and Human Services
11:00 AM EDT
HHS Senior Executive Services (SES) Oath of Office Award Ceremony
The HHS Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA) Cheryl R. Campbell, will launch the department’s HHS Senior Executive Service (SES) Oath of Office Award's recognition ceremony on Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. in the Great Hall located at the Hubert H. Humphrey building. Joining ASA Campbell will be Secretary Xavier Becerra and Deputy Secretary Andrea Palm who will be administering the Oath of Office to the newly appointed SES honorees.
12:00 PM EDT
Writing a DMS Plan: NIDDK Data Management and Sharing Webinar Series
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services
12:00 PM EDT
Central Region Virtual Career Fair for Veterans
Veterans Administration
12:00 PM EDT
2023 Research Infrastructure Project Management Webinar Series
National Science Foundation (NSF)
12:00 PM EDT
Lifestyle Coupled Evolution of Nuclear Remodeling in Close Relatives of Animals and Fungi
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services
12:00 PM EDT
Weekly International Weather and Crop Highlights - Released Tuesday (Or Second Business Day) Afternoon
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture
12:00 PM EDT
U.S. House of Representatives: Morning Hour
The House considers several FCC-related bills as well as legislation honoring the 75th anniversary of U.S.-Israeli relations and urging other countries to normalize relations with Israel.
12:30 PM EDT
The President departs the White House
Official Schedule
12:30 PM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a working lunch with members of the Foreign Affairs Policy Board
Department of State
12:30 PM EDT
President Biden Remarks on Jobs and the Economy
President Biden delivers remarks on his economic agenda at North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C.
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