But I would go further. As explained by Judge Murphy in Gun Owners of America, Inc. v. Garland, the best reading of the statute is that Congress never gave the ATF "the power to expand the law banning machine guns through [the] legislative shortcut" of the ATF's rule at issue in this appeal, see Bump-Stock-Type Devices, 83 Fed. Reg. 66,514 (Dec. 26, 2018) (the Rule). See 19 F.4th at 910 (Murphy, J., dissenting). Simply put, under the statute as it currently reads, the addition of a bump stock to a rifle clearly does not make it a machinegun.
This is not the first time a Sixth Circuit panel ruled that bump stocks are legal. A prior panel reached the same conclusion (albeit on somewhat different grounds) in March 2021. The court then granted rehearing en banc, and split 8-8, affirming the original trial court's judgment in favor of the government without opinion. It will be interesting to see whether this case also gets an en banc rehearing.