It took me a while, but when I did watch Fox, I noticed I enjoyed the lawyer guests more than the hosts or guest politicians. Now that I don't do the MSM any more, I find I am watching lawyer's YT channels.
I hate supporting big brother youtube, but the science, archeology, history and DIY channels are abundant there and that's what I consume.
Locals wants $70 bucks to chat and see media behind a paywall. I am not paying for free speech! You have to be a paying member to attend their meet & greets. I am not paying for freedom of association either!
Why pay Locals when I see what I want for free?
I don't do twitter, facecrook, instagram, or other social media. But I feel silenced as a result, except for here. If you strike up a conversation with me on the street, you're likely to get an earful. kek
carry on