6:30 PM EDT
The President and the First Lady Host a Dinner for Combatant Commanders
State Dining Room
President Biden Hosts Dinner for Combatant Commanders
President Biden and first lady Jill Biden host a dinner at the White House for combatant commanders.

7:00 PM EDT
Airmen of Note Tour - York, Pennsylvania
U.S. Air Force Band

8:00 PM EDT
Federal Reserve Chair Holds News Conference
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell discusses the board's decision on interest rates, inflation and other monetary policy actions during a news conference.

8:29 PM EDT
High School Advanced Placement - U.S. History Exam 2023. Jason Stacy and Matthew Ellington, co-authors of "Fabric of a Nation: A Brief History with Skills and Sources, for the AP US History Course," talked about the Advanced Placement U.S. History Exam. They explained how this year's exam is structured, provided strategies for answering questions and analyzing historical documents.
American History/BookTV

8:30 PM EDT
"Understanding the Military Design Movement" with Dr. Ben Zweibelson
American Institute for Economic Research

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