May 6, 2023
10:30 PM EDT
Benjamin Harrison House. Benjamin Harrison, who lived his adult life in Indianapolis, was the 23rd President of the United States. Charles Hyde, President and CEO of the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site, talked about Harrison's life of leadership and his accomplishments while in office. Vice President of Curatorship Jennifer Capps toured of the Harrison home, which displays some of the over ten thousands items from the Harrison family's collection.
American History/BookTV

May 6, 2023
11:00 PM EDT
Lectures in History: Native American Art & Museum Collections. University of California, Davis, art history professor Heghnar Watenpaugh discussed objects of native American culture in museum collections as well as repatriation efforts.
American History/BookTV

May 6, 2023
11:50 PM EDT
Reel America: Army Recreation - 1968. This 1968 U.S. Army video described recreation activities available for military personnel as was released as "To Serve a Soldier." Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films produced mostly by government agencies.
American History/BookTV

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May 7, 2023 - May 8, 2023
Workshop on Synchronization and Timing Systems (WSTS)
ATIS - Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions

May 7, 2023
12:20 AM EDT
Brian Linn, "Elvis's Army": In his book "Elvis's Army: Cold War GIs and the Atomic Battlefield," Brian Linn examined the army that Elvis Presley was drafted into in 1958 and explained how this army was different than all others proceeding it.
American History/BookTV

May 7, 2023
12:30 AM EDT
Miller Center of Public Affairs: The Presidency "43 - Inside the George W. Bush Presidency". Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates went behind-the-scenes of the George W. Bush White House with presidential scholars from the University of Virginia's Miller Center. The scholars are editors of the Miller Center book, "43: Inside the George W. Bush Presidency." Robert Gates served Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama -- the only defense secretary retained by an incoming president.
American History/BookTV

May 7, 2023
1:30 AM EDT
Benjamin Harrison House. Benjamin Harrison, who lived his adult life in Indianapolis, was the 23rd President of the United States. Charles Hyde, President and CEO of the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site, talked about Harrison's life of leadership and his accomplishments while in office. Vice President of Curatorship Jennifer Capps toured of the Harrison home, which displays some of the over ten thousands items from the Harrison family's collection.
American History/BookTV

May 7, 2023
2:00 AM EDT
Virginia Center for Civil War Studies: The Civil War Civil War Journeys, Geography, and Photography. Historian Garry Adelman used stories and Civil War photography to talk about the ways people experienced the war depending on where they were and how they traveled. The Virginia Center for Civil War Studies at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Virginia, hosted this discussion.
American History/BookTV