This is exactly the scenario I have been concluding they will do:  A nuke on US soil.  

"The Sum of all Fears" to quote Q. 

WHY will they do it?  - to remain relevant, to keep the anti Russia/China psyop going, to make sure that once again Amuhricans get good and pissed-off about whoever the enemy is, and endorse whatever the response is.  To continue the farce that this is a looming existential conflict between us and the 'bad guys'. 

WHERE will this happen?  - Either a big city in the South, or a location that would have maximum negative impact to the food supply.  It won't be DC or NY, and that is how you'll know it was not a Russian or Chinese attack.  It will be designed to either remove massive R voters from the roles, or enhance government dependence. 

WHEN will this happen?  - Logic would say, the sooner they do this, the more likely they will be able to remain in power leading into the next election.  Declare emergency powers, etc.  This year. 

HOW will they do this? - Club K, or just a nuke-in-a-UPS truck.

WHO will do this?  - CIA / MOS / MI6.  The usual players.  They have escalated from triggering wars to presidential assassinations to fake elections and pandemics.  This is the next step, easy to pull off.