The Union Is Not a Suicide Pact
"My response is simple: that should be just the beginning. The federal government is rotten to its core. By the terms of the U.S. Constitution, it has accumulated powers and authorities far beyond anything enumerated and vested to it. It funds a massive administrative state that should not exist. It not only ignores the Bill of Rights, but actively works to undermine those rights.
In my estimation, any government official who engages in public censorship, religious discrimination, gun confiscation, or warrantless searches of private records, in violation of Americans' First, Second, and Fourth Amendment rights, has explicitly betrayed any constitutional oath taken before entering office. Anybody in any office attempting to implement some form of a "disinformation" board to monitor and modify Americans' speech should never hold office again. That so many elected and unelected federal employees not only disregard Americans' constitutional rights, but also vocally brag about infringing them demonstrates that a malignant cancer afflicts the central government from head to toe."