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Hagerman2 mp4
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Ms Hagerman
I want to thank the congressman from Arizona for bringing what is an extremely important amendment to the Rains Act?

I'm just going to give an example of how guidance is used by the Federal Regulatory agencies to circumvent the A P A and the rights of the American public.

In 2019, the USDA issued a two page fact sheet that they posted to the to the USDA S website that required all livestock producers in the United States, all cattle and bison producers to start using R F ID, radio frequency identification ear tags by January 1 2023 or they would be prohibited from being able to sell their cattle across state lines.

This obviously would have a huge impact on a state like Wyoming, which is a large cattle producer, but we don't have packing plants in the state of Wyoming.

So all of our cattle is shipped out of state.

This was a two page fact sheet issued on a website without notice.

No notice, no comment, period.

According to the USDA, the price tag of this requirement to the cattle and bison industries would have been $2 billion.

That's how these administrative agents use and abuse guidance.

And it absolutely should be included within this within this bill, within the Reins Act.

I again appreciate the inclusion of the word guidance.

This is another area where Congress has got to oversee what these agencies are doing and prevent them from being able to abuse their power in the way that they have repeatedly in the past.

With that I yield back.